Sambutan Dekan UPN VETERAN Jakarta

  • Administrator
  • 22 Januari 2021 - 16:49
  • 610 Lihat
Unduh Lampiran

Messages from the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of UPN Veteran

on the Establishment of UPNVERI

UPN Veteran Health Research Institute


            Modernization in health technology and the emergence of new paradigms in the field of health seem to have failed to halt the spread of infectious diseases. The ability to prevent and predict disease is expanding, but it is not symmetrical with infectious disease extinction. Although digitization and its numerous tools have greatly aided in disease control, it has its own set of challenges. The Covid-19 disease has shed light on an invaluable lesson about how the fight against infectious disease is still a long one, but thank God, scientists in this field are optimistic about it. The Covid-19 epidemic has raised people's minds to the fact that infectious illnesses are still a terrifying threat. According to Worldometers data (as of Monday, June 14, 2021, when this message was inscribed), there were 176,696,835 Covid-19 cases in the world. 3,818,792 people died, while 160,729,303 individuals were pronounced cured. There were 1,911,358 cases in Indonesia as of June 12, 2021, with 1,745,091 cases recovered and 52,879 deaths.

Infectious disease is one of the factors that can alter civilisation's trajectory, or perhaps it is the sickness itself that guides civilization. In 430 BC, Athens saw the first pandemic in human history. After successfully crossing the walls of Athens, the illness spread over Libya, Ethiopia, and Egypt, killing two-thirds of the population. The trajectory of human history was altered by this pandemic. Disruption occurs in various sectors of life, from the molecule to the system, the household to the country, much as the Covid-19 Pandemic has affected the direction of history today.

            Since the Athens, the Antonine 165 BC, the 11th-Century Leprosy, and the 2019 Covid-19 Pandemics, such history has taught us a lot. Humans' interactions with natural conditions, as well as humans and animals, are among them. As a result, dealing with the infection problem requires a comprehensive strategy. To grasp something thoroughly and deeply, different points of view are required. Matra Medicine was created by FK UPN Veterans Jakarta as a multidisciplinary method to discern many hurdles, particularly those linked to infectious diseases while disregarding other significant ailments.

Given the geographical, topographic, and demographic features of Indonesia, which are disaster-prone locations with a plethora of Extraordinary Events (KLB) of Infection, a multidisciplinary approach is required. This multidisciplinary approach is community-based for predictive and preventive purposes. Support for research and development activities through an upstream perspective, particularly molecular-based medical technology becomes a series of complete organizations and facilities.

            The Faculty of Medicine established UPNVERI (UPN Veteran Health Research Institute) for research and development relies on a High-Reliability Organization (HRO) with consistent operational standards, namely: (1) A work system that supports the use of technology to solve community health problems. (2) Developing human resources with the ability to design concepts based on the spirit of creativity to address community health issues in the field. (3) Developing a culture of collaboration in community health research management.

            UPNVERI was founded to develop research potentials that are currently in various rooms and corners of UPN Veterans. It is expected that in years to come, it will be able to become a locomotive that knits various spaces and corners into a fabric of research strength that has an impact on the nation, all while maintaining the spirit of defending the country.

           Congratulations UPNVERI! We will always support and oversee the establishment of this research institute to become a Competitive University.


Jakarta, July 1, 2021

The Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, UPN Veteran Jakarta

Taufiq Fredrik Pasiak. MD. M.Kes. M.Pd.I, PhD  

Sambutan Dekan UPN Veteran Jakarta.pdf